
What we want is to gather around the same objective, in order to give hope for our future. To see, through the concrete field, that actions are already present everywhere, that we are numerous and powerful together. We all have links with others, and our actions have impacts on us as well as on our neighbors.

The governance of the association is shared and participatory.

You will be involved in voting the budgets given to associations, companies, and structures...

Thus, we wish to inspire a new way of leading society and become the model of tomorrow's democracy?


Laurianne Berchoux,

I am driven by the desire to be useful, fair and relevant.

I am at your service to co-create.

My name is Laurianne Berchoux, I was born in 1991 and I am the happy mother of a little boy who turned my life around in 2016.

I first undertook my own re-education on my language in order to speak to him with clarity and positivity. I also wanted to get involved in cooking those meals for him myself to provide him with quality nutrition. Parenting is a discovery of oneself, of the patterns we have recorded and of the choices we make about what we want to be, embody and transmit. He is my source of inspiration for this association. It is for him and all the following generations that this project was born.

Before being a mother, I am the daughter of my parents, who are my building blocks. My mother is the one who opened me to the perception and the feeling of energies. She transmitted to me the important value of energetic, emotional and physical well-being.

My father is curious, he gave me the desire to learn and discover the beauty of the world. He is more Cartesian, technical and scientific. He is also self-taught and despite these difficulties, he has always shown an inner strength to move forward. 

They have both deconstructed their own educational patterns to transmit to me and my brother, communication, transparency, trust to build Love. They educated me with a system of reasoned consumption, reuse and revalorization.

My little brother, who is much bigger now, is the first person who allowed me to practice and learn to be a better person, a better version of myself every day.

On the professional side, I undertook scientific studies animated by Biomimetism. I then worked for 7 years in laboratories.

I undertook a professional reconversion to accompany people in the liberation of trauma and repetitive patterns. This training allowed me to know myself in depth in order to be of service to others in the best way.

In 2020, the arrival of the pandemic shook all of our lives at the same time. It made me realize how important time is and how we decide to use it.

It was then that this project matured little by little. It took 3 years of gestation and is finally seeing the light of day here and now.

Let's help it to grow, to mature in order to share together the world of tomorrow.

Maud Robin

Ambassador of the association

Légende de la photo d'équipe

Ludovic Herbepin

Committed member

Come and take part in the adventure

Come and take part in the adventure

Come and take part in the adventure

Come and take part in the adventure

Come and take part in the adventure

Come and take part in the adventure

Come and take part in the adventure

Come and take part in the adventure

Join the team

You are actors in the field, you are already acting in this beautiful dynamic of living differently, producing locally and with quality, or citizens, students ... then join us to co-construct the federation.